Follow these simple guidelines to maintain the beauty of your log home year after year.
When YOUR log home dream becomes reality, it is important for you, the homeowner, to begin an easy on-site care and maintenance program. Optimal maintenance treatments should give your home protection from moisture, ultraviolet radiation (sunlight) and water intrusion.
Here's why...
Unfinished wood in conventional frame houses and wood exposed to weather conditions is subject to rapid deterioration. Pre-weathering for as little as two weeks has been shown to damage the structural strength of the wood and adhesion performance of wood protecting finishes! DON'T PROCRASTINATE. Start a maintenance program for your log home today!
Periodic Inspections Are Important
The homeowner can do much in wood care and maintenance, particularly in sustaining proper water drainage and treating wood regularly. The following are some inspection items to consider during construction and after your home has been completed.
Proper grading should be done during construction to avoid expense later. Finish grade should never come in contact with wood.
Soil treatment, if required in your location, should be performed by a certified applicator. For wood, use a treatment that contains an insecticide.
Roof Overhangs
Protect log walls from excessive water and sun exposure by diverting rain water with roof overhangs of at least 18" to 24" and projected side eaves. Use Organiclear TM5-FT or WR-5 Protective Wood Coatings.
Gutters And Downspouts
Inspect and clean gutters and downspouts regularly to avoid water back-up.
Inspect caulking around windows, doors, etc. Repair or replace as required.
Thorough chimney inspections and cleaning should be made prior to the start of each heating season.
Heating systems can draw great amounts of moisture out of logs. A humidifier will keep moisture at comfortable levels and help reduce log checking.
Porches And Decks
They should be designed to shed excess water. Slope decks away from foundation to discard water. Organiclear WR-5 should be applied to all porch materials.
Checking And Splitting
Soak all exterior checks with a penetrating water repellent wood coating system such as Organiclear WR-5 to protect against water damage. Exterior checks facing upward should be filled with an exterior wood filler. Interior log walls should be coated with Organiclear™ IWF to minimize checking, splitting and splintering.